Spring is in the air! Can you smell it?! It’s been a little chilly in Arizona lately, but I always love the cooler weather. This week I spent some time getting my kitchen area into the spring spirit. I did a little browsing on Pinterest and found a few spring decor basics that I wanted to incorporate into my home: lemons, lamb’s ears and yellow. I already have a few shades of blue in my decor, so I thought the yellow would go well with it.
Stop by and take a tour of my Spring 2018 decorations! It’s mighty fresh. 🙂
The kitchen table
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I love transforming the decorations around my house. This butcher block has been sitting on my kitchen island for a year, but I decided to move it to the kitchen table. I love the contrast with the white runner!
I was also debating whether to use real or fake lemons. I thought I would (possibly) keep this decor around all summer, so I decided to invest in a few fake ones. I bought two bags at Hobby Lobby using the online coupon for 40% off, but they are also available here on Amazon for $12.
The kitchen island
I kept seeing three tier serving stands on Pinterest and I loved them! I was so excited when I found one at Hobby Lobby that was 50% off. Hollaaaaa! I spiced it up with some fruit, greens and a few other little things. This serving stand is also available on Amazon.
I found my lamb ears at Hobby Lobby, but they are also discontinuing them Amazon here.
Side table and buffet table
Every season I look forward to drawing a new design on this board. I like to get inspiration from Pinterest and then add the other decorations!
See those pretty wooden rounds? I bought it from someone on Facebook last fall and just can’t decide what to do with it. Until then, they’re making a great little appearance! I think I should have bought a few more! 🙂
Well, that’s all for now, friends! I hope this has given you a little inspiration to refresh your decor for the spring season. I’m glad I did it!