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Modern Patio ideas Inspiration

It is possible to design a concrete outdoor deck, but special attention is needed to create something glamorous. Therefore, you can make your outdoor patio look glamorous by swiping. However, appropriate precautions must be taken to avoid deterioration of the appearance. These terrace ideas will help you to invent something wonderful.

  • Determine the moisture content of the concrete on the terrace

You must ensure that the color on the terrace adheres to the type of concrete. Remember that too much moisture on the concrete terrace is not recommended.

Remove all furniture, pots, plants, decorations and toys so you can easily clean the terrace surface. Pull out grass, vines, roots or moss grown on the surface of the terrace. You can do this conveniently with a pressure washer or with your bare hands. Clean the cracks in the concrete surface and repair them by removing the cracks with fine sandpaper or appropriate fillers. Allow the filled cracks to dry before thoroughly cleaning the entire patio.

  • Select the appropriate colors

It is recommended to choose concrete colors with waterproof properties and sealants. You can also opt for water, oil or latex paints for courtyards or for wall paints with epoxy resins and blinder. Choose the relevant color and you can base your choice on the exterior decoration of your home.

  • Painting of the concrete terrace

Apply the primer and let it dry. Start by painting on the terrace edges. Then choose a starting point and apply your first coat evenly and let it dry. Apply the necessary layers and let the paint dry completely. With these patio ideas, you can make an interesting piece.